Municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

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Directory of Services - People with disabilities

Informative data

Senior and Dependent Care Service (SAGGID)

The SAGGID manages the home care services of the city and attends to all those who are recognized as dependents. Includes the following services:

Service for People with Dependency

A team made up of social work professionals knows and values the situations of people who have been recognized as dependents in accordance with the provisions of the Dependency Law, and establishes and monitors the Individual Care Plan appropriate for each person.

Home Care Services

This service consists of an organized and coordinated set of actions that are carried out basically in the home of the person and / or family, aimed at providing personal care, home help and social support to those people and / or families with disabilities development or social integration or lack of personal autonomy.

The access to the service is made prior assessment of the professionals of the Basic Teams of Basic Social Care of the City Council, who in each case will take into account the degree of dependence, the economic situation and the family support of the applicant. .

Telephone alarm service (SAT)

The telemarketing service consists of the installation of a very simple device in the user's home, connected by telephone line to a receiving central unit, which he can communicate in case of emergency. There is also a pendant that allows you to move around the house freely, and even to shower, with the security of being able to contact the power station from anywhere in the house.

It is a person-centered home care service that improves the quality of life, autonomy and security of this and his family.

To enjoy this service, it is essential that the home has an electrical network and a fixed telephone network.

Social dining service

Provide a meal for people over 65 and having difficulty meeting their basic feeding needs.

Users enjoy proper nutrition and, at the same time, a space that allows them to foster social relationships.

Registration / Request for service:

The services are aimed at the elderly and dependents and can be requested by appointment in person or by phone at: