Municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

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Resources for work on the Environment and Biodiversity Sant Feliu

Resources for work on the Environment and Biodiversity Sant Feliu

Teaching resources

Resources to work on the Natural Environment and Biodiversity of Sant Feliu

Living Parks Project in Sant Feliu

This project includes activities that can be carried out in the parks and gardens of our city.

Parks are ideal spaces for learning, close environments that are accessible to everyone. A perfect setting to be able to carry out didactic experiences that facilitate enjoyment, observation, research and knowledge.

Discover the birds of Sant Feliu

Offer of a set of activities around the world of birds, to discover the ornithological wealth that our municipality offers.

Discover the unique vegetation of the park Torreblanca

This activity, aimed especially at middle school students, proposes the discovery of the unique trees and shrubs of Torreblanca Park, observing the characteristics of their leaves and fruits and how they adapt to the Mediterranean climate.

Guided tour of the Park Cerdanet

Cerdanet Discovery Park, the former landfill debris located in the neighborhood of Grasses in today restored Mediterranean vegetation.