Municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

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How it works

Procedure for submitting an alert:

  1. Do you want to make an alert? Do you have evidence of malpractice at Sant Feliu de Llobregat Town Hall?
  2. Access the Information and Alerts Mailbox: Make a 'New Communication'. Your alert is confidential, but you can also make it anonymous.
  3. Fill in the form: You can attach pdf, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .gif, .ti , . jpg, .jpeg and .zip
  4. Save the numeric code: Only with this code will you be able to communicate anonymously with the person managing the alert
  5. You have completed the alert: The person responsible for the investigation will receive a new alert notification.
The code is the only way to access this channel, and it is the communicator's responsibility to keep it.

Procedure for submitting an alert:

  1. Reception of the alert: The person responsible for the investigation informs the alerter of the reception.
  2. Investigation phase: Verification of the plausibility of the facts and investigation.
  3. Resolution of actions: Issue of report | recommendations
  4. The person responsible for the investigation communicates with the whistleblower: Communication of the results of the investigations.
  5. End of actions: The term is 3 months extendable for 3 more months in duly justified cases
Tracking and all communication with the assigned agent will take place exclusively within the application


Requirements for alerts:

  • It is important to describe the facts and context in great detail to facilitate the identification of the infringing action or omission and the persons allegedly responsible.
  • It is necessary to provide all available documentation and/or evidence about the situation being communicated, or objective indications that support its content.
  • The alerts must have special significance for the integrity of the Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council Administration.
  • The information that is transferred must be based on reasonable certainty. Actions based on opinions alone will not be initiated.
  • Communications that lack foundation or are notoriously false will not be accepted.