Consistory 2019 - 2023

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17/05/2024 03:49:04



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The opinion of the municipal groups 2019-2023

An interim municipal budget

Readings: 2021
An interim municipal budget

With a pandemic of unpredictable consequences in the world. In such a changing environment and without having the budgets of the Government of Spain or Catalonia our budget had a virtually provisional approval and full of uncertainty, for that reason it was advisable to extend the 2020 budget and effective approval in March or April 2021.

It is in this situation that our vote was in favor of the Municipal Ordinances, because they do not mean an increase in taxes for the year 2021.

The economic situation of our city council has had surpluses in recent years and balance in this year 2020. Situation that in comparison with the situation of most families, self-employed and commercial and industrial fabric is very advantageous and as a public administration has to prioritize and help maintain core sectoral issues.

We have insisted on defining and planning the broad lines of the issues that will be relevant to the economic and urban management of the city: concretization of the City Pact; Complex solution; post-underground urban planning; project forecast on cash balances; projects on supra-municipal transfers of economic revival. Issues that the government team is not willing to discuss, addressed and focused.

Do we also highlight the irrational increase in items in the contract for waste and road cleaning that have an increase of 580,266? in the last two years. We consider this increase unjustified when the audits carried out certify that the service provided is deficient and unacceptable due to the lack of control and monitoring of the services of the city council.

In relation to the staff, we criticized, among many other points, the increase in positions of free appointment and the existence of 147 temporary staff out of a total of 348.

Is there any explanation that this management is historically maintained in a self-titled government of the left?

For all these reasoned criticisms we voted in disagreement with the 2021 Municipal Budget.

Finally, we return to focus on what is a clamor among the population: the unnecessary and excessive work of the remodeling of the City Council. We have said this and we reiterate it, in the current situation, at least its execution should have been postponed.

Silvestre Gilaberte, spokesman for the Municipal Neighbors Group for Sant Feliu

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