The Plenum

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The right to intervene in municipal meetings

May request the inclusion of a proposal on the agenda of the Plenary organizations and civic associations registered in the Municipal Entities citizen and any person or group to submit 100 signatures accredited citizens over 16 years of Sant Feliu de Llobregat with personal data of the undersigned.

The proposal will be incorporated into the agenda of the plenary ordinary closer and will be processed in accordance with the Municipal Organic Regulation.

In the request for intervention must include the full name of the person who will take the floor with a maximum of 15 minutes. Subsequently, or spokespersons of the various municipal groups may request clarifications the defender or advocate of the proposal, who matisarĂ  for the maximum time of five minutes and then go to the debate by local groups and voting.

When a proposal is rejected it may not submit another on the same subject within a year, unless it is complemented with new relevant data.

Organizations or associations that are included in the Municipal Register of Entities that wish to intervene at some point in the agenda must request it in writing to the president of the corporation, at least 24 hours before the full. In the letter must include the name of the person giving the presentation and the point or points on which to intervene.