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Home of the City Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat
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Visit to the air quality control station

Classroom activity   PDF document   Resource on loan

This didactic proposal, aimed at ESO, High School, Training Cycles and Adults, consists of visiting the air quality control station in Badalona.

During the visit ( 1h ) the air pollutants are explained: their origin, their impact on the environment and the measures for their reduction; the different air quality control systems; and the operation of different air quality meters.

Air vigilantes

Classroom activity   PDF document

Air vigilance is an activity that deals with air pollution with the aim of contributing to the improvement of air quality through good practices and changing habits of students.

The activity is available for students from 1st to 3rd Primary , from 4th to 6th Primary and from ) ESO .

There is a video that lasts 2 minutes related to the activity and some informative fans .

Swallows and air pollution

web recursos variats

This resource explains the case of swallows and the threat posed by air pollution.

At the end you can do a test on everyone's habits and see if they affect the swallows.

Funbrain school activities

Classroom activity  Resource on loan

Funbrain offers a wide range of activities that can be done in the classroom segregated by educational and thematic levels (sustainable mobility, recycling, water quality, renewable energies, energy saving, pollution atmospheric and climate change).

For more information call 934 144 090 or send an email to info@funbrain.cat

Change of habits

web recursos variats

In this resource you will find the website of a project promoted by the AMB on air pollution and sustainable mobility.

You will find different types of resources such as: calculation of your degree of pollution, information on pollution episodes, mobility models in other cities, ...

Quina és la qualitat de l'aire a Sant Feliu de Llobregat?


Web de l'Ajuntament de Sant Feliu on es poden consultar en línia els valors dels principals contaminants que afecten a la nostra ciutat, a través de les dades que ens proporcionen les estacions de mesura que tenim a la ciutat.

Go to the municipal website to see documents of air quality

School Agenda for the Environment and Development

web recursos variats   PDF document

The Diputació de Barcelona offers this resource from the School Agenda for the Environment and Development to ESO students.

Various educational activities are offered to work on topics such as: the ecological footprint, responsible consumption, sustainable mobility, pollution, waste generation, the impact of plastics and climate change.

Exposure to air pollution

PDF document

Breathing clean air without health risks is a right of all people. Air pollution has been shown to cause serious damage to health and the environment.

In this resource you will find general information on air pollution and alternative transport.

On the move for environmental health

PDF document

In this resource , aimed at ESO , you will find different activities on air pollution and sustainable mobility.

It is part of a field trip based on a bus route that is no longer available but you can adapt to a trip that you arrange. You can look at the explanation of the output to help you organize your own.

How to detect air pollution

Classroom activity

In this resource you will find 3 experiments very simple to detect if there is air pollution.

An atmosphere to live

PDF document

In this didactic unit , addressed to 1st of ESO , we talk about the importance of the atmosphere through topics such as the greenhouse effect , air pollution and the most polluting means of transport.

How do the ozone layer and melanin protect us?

PDF document

In this didactic unit , addressed to 3rd of ESO , the chemical changes that take place in the ozone layer are studied and elaborated reflections on the protective effect of the ozone layer.

It is an ideal proposal to talk about the pollutants that affect the ozone layer.

Air pollution


In this webquest , addressed to 3rd ESO , students are instructed to write a publication of a comprehensive article on air pollution. Different teams are made up of three people: one as a journalist, one as an ecologist and another as a scientist.

Guia didàctica sobre la contaminació atmosfèrica

PDF document

Set of practical activities and fact sheets on air pollution.

Air quality - Generalitat de Catalunya


This series of videos created by the Generalitat de Catalunya aims to raise public awareness of air quality. Society must get involved and take action to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Videos last between 1 and 6 minutes .

Expand the resource to access the videos.

Pollution in Barcelona. The experts are talking


This video talks about air pollution in Barcelona: the causes and consequences for human health.

The video lasts about 4 minutes .

Rich waters, scarce life?

PDF document

Eutrophication can be caused by air pollution or by occasional or regular pollution of organic or inorganic waste dumped into ecosystems.

In this didactic unit , addressed to 2nd of Baccalaureate , the concept of eutrophication of the waters is worked constructing a description of the process, asking the l students who apply their knowledge to explain the causes and consequences in ecosystems and explaining the effect of thermocline.

Catalan forests


This podcast talks about the importance of forests and the effects they have on nature and air quality. It also deals with the issue of plastic bags.

The industrial revolution

web recursos variats   Interactive game online

The industrial revolution was the phenomenon with which the generation of atmospheric pollution by humans began.

This resource , aimed at 3rd ESO , deals with the industrial revolution through activities such as: completing sentences, relating concepts and doing Puzzle.

Time time: the atmosphere

web recursos variats   Interactive game online

In this resource , aimed at ESO , you will find activities that deal with the structure, composition and functioning of the atmosphere.

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